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The fate is the wind

23 Novembre 2020
The fate is the wind
The words of the publisher and feminist Luciana Tufani on the condition of women in Italy, on the women of literary parks. by Ginevra Sanfelice Lilli

Luciana Tufani, feminist and publisher, directs the magazine 'Leggere donna', is a librarian with a great passion for cinema and cats and lives plunged in the timeless beauty of Ferrara's city. She explains how these identities, these ideals, these 'vocations' are combined with today's world. "I believe I have always been a feminist and a great reader" the publisher begins to tell: "I tried to realize and share these passions by creating, first, in 1980, the library of the Centro Documentazione Donna (CDD) and then, in 1996 , the publishing house. In the library we keep fiction books written by women and essays on the condition of women. Today, after 40 years since the CDD was born, the books are now more than ten thousand, which for a library may not be a very high number but it is indeed, if you take into account that it is only writers' books that show that women , contrary to what a misogynist tradition claims, they TOGLIERE THEY have always written and produced culture. We want to make as many people aware of this as possible, organizing in the library and in other spaces, in Ferrara and in other cities both in Italy and in other parts of the world, events that make known the history and culture of women and above all the feminist utopia of a world without discrimination, hierarchies, violence. A world that respects diversity, from sex to all the others, and defends other animal species and nature. The multiple activities of the library, which all revolve around reading and writing, have been interrupted in recent months due to the pandemic, just at a time when the Italian and world political situation would require massive mobilization and the spread of the concept of how important and essential culture is ".

We tackle the theme of literary parks with their cultural reality, and we focus on the parks dedicated to female writers: Isabella Morra, an Italian poet born in 1520 is an example of a life focused on writing to resist.
Marguerite Chapin Gaetani, born in the United States in 1880, founder of the magazine 'Botteghe oscure' and responsible with her husband Roffredo Caetani of the 'flowering' of the poignant and wonderful garden of Ninfa, near Rome. She was a person who loved beauty, an art expert, and she published in her magazines the writings of important intellectuals of the twentieth century.

Emma Perodi, in the centenary commemorating Gianni Rodari, can be said to have preceded him. Woman, an ante-litteram feminist, talked about redeeming women through working in a column and addressed mainly to children, trusting their minds, stimulating their reading, in an age when not many, and especially not many women did. . I ask the publisher what her thoughts on this are about. "The Literary Parks are an interesting and important initiative. Too bad that very few are dedicated to women, while there would be the possibility of creating many more. Ninfa was one of the destinations included in the excursion program that the CDD had to realize in 2020. I share what you say about Isabella Morra, Emma Perodi and the creator of the garden of Ninfa. Well, in Sardinia, it was finally decided to honor one's greatest writer who is often opposed ”.

Deledda, an intense writer born on an island, in a strong and powerful land, in no uncertain terms the writing of the Nobel Prize is imbued with research of the word, poetry of light and strength. Luciana Tufani continues: "The most correct and interesting reinterpretation of Grazia Deledda's work has only been done in recent years by feminist literary critics, many of which from SIL (Italian Society of Literature) who have dedicated conferences and publications to her. who have overturned an often belittling reading unable to grasp the novelty and richness of a writing linked to the spoken word"

In thanking her for sharing her gaze on the condition of women with us, we read this dialogue from Canne al vento, by Grazia Deledda: “But why this, Efix, tell me, you who have traveled the world: is it like this for everything? Why does fate crush us like this, like reeds? "Yes," he said then, "we are just like reeds in the wind, my Ester." Here because! We are reeds, and the fate is the wind ”.

Ginevra Sanfelice Lilli

She lives in Rome where she was born in 1972. She writes poetry and prose texts, draws combining the two worlds.
She loves light, the sea, writing, reading and the sense of harmony. Travel by land and sea as well as internal ones have taught her to read landscapes.

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